вторник, 17 апреля 2012 г.

Организатор контента и автоматический запуск рабочего процесса

Итак, проблема в сделующем: при включенном организаторе контента в случае маршрутизщации документа, не работае автоматический запуск рабочего процесса. Связано это с тем, что маршрутизация в библиотеках происходит под системной учетной записью, от имени которой нельзя автоматически стартовать рабочий процесс. Лечится это созданием обраюотчика событий, который и стартует рабочий процесс. Вот код обработчика:

       public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)

            SPListItem addedItem = properties.ListItem; 
         SPWorkflowManager manager = addedItem.ParentList.ParentWeb.Site.WorkflowManager; 
         SPWorkflowAssociationCollection assoCollection = addedItem.ContentType.WorkflowAssociations; 
         foreach (SPWorkflowAssociation asso in assoCollection) 
             manager.StartWorkflow(addedItem, asso, asso.AssociationData); 

Ну вот почти все, не забудьте передать параметр asso.AssociationData (если этого требует рабочий процесс).

вторник, 10 апреля 2012 г.

SharePoint: Developer or Administrator?

It is mostly for employers to understand: below is how we developers see the job responsibilities should be laid out.

SharePoint Developer

1. Responsible for design, creation and implementation of custom webparts, .NET user controls, custom Master Pages, custom Layouts, custom Event Handlers, features, solutions, and templates to be used in a SharePoint environment.

2.Responsible for integrating non-SharePoint related services into SharePoint applications as needed.

3.Demonstrates a proficiency in any of the following; XML, CAML, XSLT, HTML, DHTML, ASP.NET, C#, ASP, JavaScript, style sheet/CSS

SharePoint Administrator

1.Responsible for Servers in SharePoint farm

◦Includes set-up and configuration of SharePoint Services on Servers, maintenance of Web Front End Servers, Indexing Servers, and some aspects of maintaining Database servers. (In smaller companies like mine, the job of SharePoint administrator also inherits the job of Database administrator, and this should be accounted for in deciding compensation.)

2.Creation and maintenance of Sites and Site Collections, as well as all associated databases and services, such as Shared Service Providers, and Extended Authentication providers if needed.

3.Set-up and maintenance of Outgoing and Incoming e-mail services

4.Qualification, Installation and Maintenance of any Plug-in, Feature, Web Part, Template or Solution, including 3rd party software or applications.

5.Responsible for back-up and recovery practices, and maintaining integrity and reliability of access to information.

6.Responsible for set-up and configuration of Excel Services and InfoPath services (If available).

7.Responsible or establishing and/or maintaining end user access policy and permissions.

◦This may also include the ability to delegate permissions authority to other users, as deemed appropriate.

8.Responsible for implementing and maintaining search services, including defining search scopes.

9.Responsible for implementing and maintaining user profile properties, including “MySites” functionality.

10.Responsible for coordinating and implementing best use practices, and communicating with company management best use scenarios.

◦Best use practices may include creating simple workflow processes and simple site customization.


четверг, 5 апреля 2012 г.

Бесплатный BlogEngine хостинг

Доступен бесплатный хостинг для блоггерского движка на ASP.NET BlogEngine


  • Free
  • 250 MB Disk Space
  • 1000 MB Data Transfer
  • Unlimited FTP Accounts
  • Unlimited Mail Boxes
  • 99.9% uptime
  • DotNetPanel
  • Free installation

CAML и InternalName

Таблица кодов для наименования внутренних полей в CAML


Функция конвертации, очень полезна

        static string ConvertToInternalName(string name) 
            return String.Join("", name.Select(c => ChatToHex(c)).ToArray());

        public string ChatToHex(char c)
            (Char.IsDigit(c) || c == '_' || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')) ?
                c.ToString() :
                "_" + ((int)c).ToString("X4") + "_";

вторник, 3 апреля 2012 г.

SharePoint Hosting

pretty inexpensive sharepoint hosting for personal needs:


понедельник, 2 апреля 2012 г.

Структура профиля пользователя

Структура профиля (названия полей и типов)
Скачать файл

Бесплатные темы для SharePoint

Хорошая ссылочка, четыре бесплатных темы для SharePoint. Есть инструкция по установке. http://www.topsharepoint.com/themes